Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Volodymyr Lipovyi  





Education, scientific degree, academic title


Academy of Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2002, specialist, specialty "Fire Safety,"

National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, 2011, master's degree, specialty "Fire Safety,"

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences in the field of 21.06.01 "Environmental Safety," 2016.

Associate Professor at the Department of Fire and Technogenic Safety of Objects and Technologies, 2020.


Educational work


I teach the discipline "Fire Safety of Technological Processes" and "Fire Safety of Objects of Increased Danger" to students at the bachelor's level.







Scientific work



Google Scholar:


Research works


  1. Responsible performer for the research project "Prevention of the Formation of Combustible Environment in the Volume of Light Oil Product Tanks during Chemico-Mechanized Cleaning."
  2. Performer for the research project "Investigation of Methods to Reduce the Fire Hazard of Storage Processes for Flammable and Combustible Liquids."
  3. Responsible performer for the research project "Computational Algorithms for Individual Risk Associated with Objects of Increased Danger."
  4. Performer for the research project "Development of a Software Complex for Determining the Category of Premises, Buildings, and External Installations According to Explosion and Fire Hazard."
  5. Performer for the research project commissioned by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine: "Development of an Algorithm for Identifying Objects in Ukraine According to Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and Council on the Control of Major Accidents Involving Hazardous Substances (Seveso 3)."
  6. Head of the research project "Identification of the Private Joint-Stock Company 'Novoselivsky Mining and Enrichment Combine' as an Object of Increased Danger."
  7. Responsible performer for the research project "Identification of LLC 'Olymp-2001' as a Potentially Hazardous Object."
  8. Head of the research project "Examination of the Safety Declaration for Objects of Increased Danger: Platform of the 2nd Lift of the 'Dnipro' Water Treatment Complex and Water Supply Shop No. 2 of the 'Donetsk' Water Treatment Complex."
  9. Responsible performer for the research project "Development of an Emergency Situation Liquidation Plan for the Private Joint-Stock Company 'Novoselivsky Mining and Enrichment Combine.'"
  10. Head of the research project "Determination of the Category by Explosion and Fire Hazard for Production Premises and the Building of LLC 'ASTEX INVEST 2019.'"

       Conducting scientific research on the request of economic entities




  1. Hapon Yuliana. Cluster Structure Control of Coatings by Electrochemical Coprecipitation of Metals to Obtain Target Technological Properties / Hapon Yuliana Tregubov Dmytro, Slepuzhnikov Evgen, Lypovyi Volodymyr // Solid State Phenomena – 2022. 334 – pp. 70 – 76.
  2. Afanasenko, K., Klyuchka, Y., Lypovyi, V., Harbuz, S. Thethermal destruction and coke formation intensity in fluence on the delamination and destruction of fiberrein forced plastics with a unidirectional filler under high temperature conditions. Materials Science Forum, 2021, 1038 MSF, pp. 137-143.
  3. Fidrovska, N., Slepuzhnikov, E., Larin, O.,
    Lipovyi, Voloymyr, Harbuz, S.Increase of operating reliability of the travel wheel using the use of the elastic inserts / EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, 2020, 2020(5), pp. 69-79.
  4. Afanasenko, K., Romin, A., Yuriy, K., Volodymyr, L., Khalid, H.Epoxidized dinaphthol application as the basis for binder with advanced carbonation level to reducing its flammability / Materials Science Forum, 2020, 1006 MSF, pp. 41-46.
  5. Kustov M. Procedure for implementation of the method of artificial deposition of radioactive substances from the atmosphere / Kustov M., Slepuzhnikov E., Lipovoy V., Khmyrov I., Firdovsi, Dadashov Ilgarb, Buskin O. // Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 2019. 3 (83) – pp. 13 – 25
  6. V. Кorytchenko. Numerical simulation of initial pressure effect on energy input in spark discharge in nitrogen / K.V. Кorytchenko, R.S. Tomashevskyi, I.S. Varshamova, D.P. Dubinin, A.A. Lisnyak, V.O. Lipovyi // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology – 2019. №4(122) – С. 116-119.


Major scientific publications


  1. Zimin, S.I. Analysis of fire and explosion hazards of flare systems at industrial facilities / K.A. Afanasenko, O.M. Semkiv, V.O. Lypovyi, Yu.P. Klyuchka; Scientific supervisor Yu.P. Klyuchka // Problems of Fire Safety: Collection of scientific papers. NUCZU Issue 48: NUCZU. 2020. 204 p. ─ P. 53-62.
  2. Afanasenko K.A. Evaluation of the influence of characteristic temperatures of standard fire on the durability of fiberglass / K.A. Afanasenko, V.O. Lypovyi, O.P. Mykhailiuk // Problems of Fire Safety. – 2019. – Issue 45 – P. 12-16.
  3. Manufacturing entities flare systems fire hazard analysis. AFANASENKO, K. LYPOVYI, V. ZIMIN, S. Inżynieria BezpieczeństwaObiektów Antropogenicznych 1 (2021) 9-14, pp. 9-14.
  4. Kalchenko Ya.Yu., Afanasenko K.A., Lypovyi V.O., Pikalov M.V. Determination of parameters of electrical conductors during emergency operation mode. Emergency Situation Issues. Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2023. No. 37.
  5. Lypovyi V.O., Udianskyi M.M., Larin O.M., Analysis of composition and properties of residual contaminants in reservoirs for storing petroleum products // Scientific Bulletin of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Fire Safety. – Kyiv, 2014. - No. 2 (30) - P. 161 - 167.
  6. Lypovyi V.O., Udianskyi M.M. Technogenic risks of environmental pollution during repair works on reservoirs with petroleum products // Scientific and Practical Journal "Ecological Sciences". - Kyiv, 2014. - No. 2/2014 (6) - P. 42 - 49.
  7. Kalinovskyi A.Ya., Lypovyi V.O., Titarenko A.V. Determination of technogenic risks during repair works on reservoirs with petroleum products // International scientific journal "Technological Audit and Reserves of Production": Collection of Scientific Works. Kharkiv, December 22, 2015. P. 13-18.
  8. Afanasenko K.A. Mykhailiuk A.P. Lypovyi V.O. Investigation of the influence of residual pyrolytic transformations of epoxy-polymer binders on the flame spread rate. Problems of Fire Safety. - Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2015. - Issue 38.
  9. Lypovyi V.O. Analysis of the regulatory framework in Ukraine for calculating social risk and the impact of its parameters on the risk magnitude / Yu.P. Klyuchka, O.M. Hryhorenko, V.O. Lypovyi // Emergency Situation Issues. – 2017. – Issue 25. – P. 57-62.
  10. Afanasenko K. Polymer materials fire protection by various additives application efficiency estimation. / K. Afanasenko, V. Lipovoy, S Garbuz. // Emergency Situation Issues. – 2017. – Issue 43 – P. 14-18.
  11. Mykhailiuk O.P. Fire and explosion hazard of water collection for final cooling of coke gas during welding works / O.P. Mykhailiuk, Yu.P. Klyuchka, O.M. Hryhorenko, V.O. Lypovyi // Problems of Fire Safety. – 2018. – Issue 43. – P. 112-118.
  12. Afanasenko K.A. Evaluation of the influence of characteristic temperatures of standard fire on the durability of fiberglass. / K.A. Afanasenko, V.A. Lypovyi, A.P. Mykhailiuk // Problems of Fire Safety. – 2019. – Issue 45 – P. 12-16.
  13. Lypovyi V.O., Udianskyi M.M., Larin O.M., Kalinovskyi A.Ya., Kovalev O.O. Method for measuring the level of solid particle deposits on the inner surface of reservoirs during storage of light petroleum products / Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 103075.
  14. Utility model patent No. 127863 "Method for measuring the level of solid particle deposits on the inner surface of reservoirs during storage of light petroleum products" dated 10.08.2018. Lypovyi V.O., Afanasenko K.A., Mykhailiuk O.P., Garbuz S.V.


Textbooks, manuals, monographs


  1. Lypovyi V.O., Udianskyi M.M. Technogenic risks of environmental pollution during the operation and repair of reservoirs with petroleum products. Monograph. Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2017. – 107 p.
  2. Oliinyk V.V., Lypovyi V.O., Afanasenko K.A., Kalchenko Ya.Yu. Fire Safety of Technological Processes: Educational Manual. - Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2023. - 240 p.
  3. Fire Safety of Technological Processes: Guidelines for the course project. For higher education students studying at the first (bachelor's) level in the specialty 261 "Fire Safety," in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil Safety" / Compilers: V.V. Oliinyk, N.I. Korovnykova, V.O. Lypovyi, O.P. Mykhailiuk, K.A. Afanasenko ─ Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2021. ─ 63 p.


Certification training



Work with youth


Supervisor of research projects that achieved prize-winning positions in the I and II stages of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition:

- Cadet Tsybula A.S. – winner in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition 2017/2018 in the field of "ENERGETICS," Azov State Technical University, Pryazovskyi State Technical University.

- Cadets Oksiom T.Yu. and Pshychenko O.S. – winners in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Competition 2018/2019 in the field of "ENERGETICS," Azov State Technical University, Pryazovskyi State Technical University.


Supervisor of cadets who achieved prize-winning positions in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in professionally-oriented disciplines:

- Transport Systems – Cadet Shapoval D.K. – 2nd place in 2019.

- Logistics – Cadet Vynohradova N.O. – 2nd place in 2019.

- Profosvita – Student Glazunov M.Yu. – 3rd place in 2019.




Awards, certificates









International activity


       I regularly participate in international scientific conferences, including:

  1. Afanasenko K.A., Romіn A.V., Klyuchka Yu.P., Lypovyi V.O., Gasanov Kh.Sh. regarding the use of epoxidized dinaftols as a base for binders for glass-fiber plastics with reduced flammability. "Problems of Emergency Situations": Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Kharkiv: NUCZU, 2020. – P. 270-272.
  2. Afanasenko, K.A. Influence of thermal degradation and coking intensity on delamination and destruction of unidirectional glass-fiber plastics under elevated temperatures / K.A. Afanasenko, Yu.P. Klyuchka, V.O. Lypovyi. "Problems of Emergency Situation": Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 20, 2021). 2021. 382 p. ─ P. 182-183.
  3. V.A. Lypovyi. Method for measuring the level of deposits of solid particles on the inner surface of reservoirs during the storage of light petroleum products. Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Fire Safety, Prevention, and Elimination of Emergencies" Kokshetau Technical Institute of the Emergency Situations Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, October 25-26, 2018. – P. 160-164.
  4. Larin A.N., Chernobay G.A., Nazarenko S.Y., Lipovоy V.А.. Definition of elastic properties of fire hoses of type "T" with a diameter of 51 mm under torsion. East European Scientific Journal | Engineering and Technical Sciences, No. 8, 2016, p.90-94.
  5. Lypovyi V.O., Oksiom T.Yu. Ensuring fire safety of facilities storing oil and petroleum products. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Problems and Prospects of Civil Protection", abstracts. – Kharkiv, 2019. – P. 39.
  6. Olexiy Kosolapov, Kostiantyn Afanasenko, Volodymyr Lypovyi. Possibility of special psychophysiological examinations with the use of a polygraph as a factor of improving the quality of professional-psychological selection in the system of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Contemporary issues of sustainable development. Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2019; ISBN 978 – 83 – 946765 – 7 – 5; pp. 452.



Organizational activities


Member of the organizing committee, secretary of the jury for the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline 'Fire Safety' for the academic years 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2020-2021 at the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.

Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine