Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies


Status of Department unit received by the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Ukraine № 13/26 of January 22, 1992 announced the establishment of inter-agency educational and scientific complex at the Kharkiv Fire-Technical School MIA of Ukraine and Kharkiv Civil Engineering Institute, and the orders MIA of Ukraine № 123 of March 7, 1992 approved the Kharkiv State Technical College Fire and Interior Ministry of Ukraine for training of highly qualified, based on which the department was created fire prevention.


With the reorganization in 1994 interagency educational and scientific complex, the institution renamed to the Kharkov Institute of fire safety. September 1, 1996. could be regarded as the birthday of our department, because this time it is called "Fire prevention processes of production."

In accordance with the Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 14.01.2004 p. №10-p and order of the Ministry of Ukraine of 22.01.2004 p. №29 Academy of Fire Safety of Ukraine reorganized to the Academy of Civil Protection of Ukraine. In this regard, and our department has changed its name to the fire prevention processing industry and technological safety.

On May 25, 2006 in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №290-p Academy of Civil Protection of Ukraine was reorganized into University Civil Protection of Ukraine and the department changed the name to the Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies.

Since October 2015, the department of fire and man-made safety of objects and technologies has been headed by lieutenant colonel of the civil protection service Yuriy Pavlovich Klyuchka, doctor of technical sciences, with the academic title of senior researcher.
The department employs 12 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 1 doctor of science, 10 PhD. 6 have the academic title of associate professor, 2 are senior researchers.

Today, the department of fire and man-made safety of objects and technologies is a graduation department, provides teaching of 16 disciplines at three levels of education and 8 specialties and specializations.

The main disciplines of the department reflect the content of the profession of a fire and man-made safety specialist based on a systematic approach to the assessment of the fire and explosion hazard of technological processes of production and the assimilation of the principles of ensuring their fire and man-made safety. As educational disciplines, at the university they are profiling and develop at the junction of the sciences of production technology and fire and are closely related to fundamental sciences - physics, chemistry, mechanics and others. Along with this, the department has determined its benchmarks for entering the educational and scientific space of Europe and is modernizing educational activities in accordance with European requirements. The potential of the department allows to carry out multi-level training of specialists, to introduce modern technologies and the latest methods of education into the educational process.

Scientific and pedagogical workers of the department have created and introduced 2 textbooks, 6 training manuals and practicals into the educational process, the educational and laboratory base is being improved, classes are practiced at existing facilities and factories. Scientific works of cadets and students have repeatedly won prizes at scientific and technical conferences and competitions.

On the basis of the department, the specialization "Audit of fire and man-made safety" has been introduced in the specialty "Fire safety", and representatives of the department are guarantors of educational programs in three specializations and levels of education in the specialty "Fire safety". In 2017, on the initiative and participation of the department, for the first time in Ukraine, the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Fire Safety" was held on the basis of the university.
The opening of new specialties at the university requires improvement of the coordination of scientific activity, revision of research topics, strengthening of intellectual potential, adaptation of scientific activity to new conditions. The main areas of scientific activity of the department include: ensuring fire and man-made safety of energy facilities, elevators, cable products; development of composite multifunctional polymer materials with reduced flammability.
During the existence of the department, the results of scientific research were successfully defended by 11 scientific and pedagogical workers, based on the results of which 6 monographs were published. The department is a co-organizer of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Fire Safety". Scientific achievements of the department have been repeatedly presented at scientific forums of various levels.

The efforts of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, as at all times, are aimed at training competitive specialists.


Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine