Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Natalia Sayenko



Education, scientific degree, academic title


National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2002, master's degree in the specialty "Chemical technology of high molecular compounds", qualification chemical engineer-researcher.

Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 21.06.02 "Fire safety", 2005.

Certificate of associate professor, 2013, senior teacher of the department of fire and man-made safety of facilities and technologies, 2023.


Educational work


Teaches the following educational disciplines: "Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and productions", "Fire safety of technological processes", "Fire safety of objects of increased danger" to students of higher education at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the educational degree "bachelor". 


Scientific work


He is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodological works, received 17 patents of Ukraine.

Scientific supervision of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.23.05 - construction materials and products (2021).


Major scientific publications


  1. Saienko N., Demidov D., Popov Y., Bikov R., Butsky V. Rheological properties of aqueous dispersion of styrene acrylate copolymer incorporating hollow microspheres and AEROSIL®/ MATEC Web of Conferences 230, 03017 (2018).
  2. Saienko N.V., Demidov D.V., Popov Y.V., Bikov R.A., Younis B., Saienko L.V. Effect of Mineral Filler Compounds on Vapor Permeability and Hygroscopic Properties of Water-Based Polymer Dispersions / In Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2019. Vol. 968. pp. 89-95.
  3. Saienko N.V., Bikov R.A., Popov Y.V., Demidov D.V., Basheer Younis. The effect of silicate fillers on adhesion and adhesion strength properties of water-based coatings // Key Engineering Materials Submitted. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, 2020, Vol. 864, pp. 73-79. ISSN: 1662-9795.
  4. Hryhorenko O., Zolkina Ye., Saienko N., Popov Yurii. Investigation of the Effect of Fillers on the Properties of the Expanded Coke Layer of Epoxyamine Compositions // Materials Science Forum 2021, Vol. 1038, pp. 539-546. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland ISSN: 1662-9752.
  5. Sayenko N.V., Demidov D.V., Popov Yu.V., Bykov R.O. Building and physical properties of heat-insulating water-dispersion paint coatings // Collection of scientific works: Ways of increasing the efficiency of construction in the conditions of the formation of market relations: coll. of science works - Issue 39. Part 1. Technical. - K.: KNUBA, 2019. - P. 127 - 132.
  6. N.V. Sayenko, R.O. Bykov, Yu.V. Popov, D.V. Demidov Assessment of the possibility of using heat-insulating water-dispersion coatings as decorative and protective finishing of building facades // Bulletin of the Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture. – 2020. – Issue 79. – pp. 126-135.
  7. Sayenko N.V., Bykov R.O., Skrypynets A.V., Demidov D.V., Karev A.I., Sayenko L.V. Directional regulation of structural and rheological properties of heat-insulating acrylic water dispersions due to the combined use of hydrophilic-hydrophobic silicate fillers // Integrated technologies and energy saving. - Kh.: NTU (KhPI), 2021. - Issue 2. – P. 11-21.
  8. Saienko N.V., Bikov R.O., Demidov D.V., Skripinets A.V., Obizhenko T.N. Study of the effect of silicate fillers on the structural and rheological properties of acrylic dispersions / Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2023, No. 2, pp. 137-144.
  9. Skripinets A., Saienko N., Blazhko V. Efficiency evaluation: epoxyurethane damping inserts in vibration protection systems. Communal management of cities. Scientific and technical collection series: technical sciences and architecture. Volume 4, issue 178'2023, pp. 17-27.
  10. Patent 84988 Ukraine, IPC C08L63/00. Epoxy composition with reduced smoke formation. No. 2007 05094. Application 10.12.2008, publ. 10.12.2008. Bul. No. 23.
  11. Patent 94870 Ukraine, IPC C08L63/02. Intumescent fire-resistant epoxy composition. No. a 2010 08312. Application 07/05/2010, publ. 10.06.2011. Bul. No. 11.
  12. Patent 104386 of Ukraine, IPC C08L63/00. Vibration-absorbing polymer composition. No. a 2013 00636. Application 18.01.2013, publ. 25.07.2013, Bull. No. 14.
  13. Patent 116504 of Ukraine for the invention, IPC C08L63/02, C09D 163/02, C09D 5/18, C09K 21/14 Epoxy composition with reduced flammability. No. a 2016 13006. Application 20.12.2016, publ. 26.03.2018, Bul. No. 6.
  14. Patent of Ukraine for the invention No. 122837, IPC C09D 4/02, C09D 5/00 C09D 5/02 Water-dispersion thermal insulation composition. No. a 2019 02367. Application 11.03.2019, publ. 06.01.2021, Bul. No. 1.


Textbooks, manuals, monographs


  1. Fire safety of building polymer composite materials. Laboratory practice. Educational and methodological manual. Compilers: Sayenko N.V., T.M. Obizhenko, Skrypynets A.V. Kharkiv: Khnuba, 2021. 57 p.

  2.  Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and productions: a course of lectures. For students of higher education in the specialty 161 Chemical technologies and engineering "Radiation and chemical protection" of full-time and part-time study. Bachelor's degree. Compilers: V. V. Oliynyk, N. V. Sayenko. NUTSZ of Ukraine, 2023. – 203 p.

Certification training


Internship at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", department "Technology of plastic masses and biologically active polymers." Topic: "Improving professional training, expanding professional competencies in specialties: 161 "Chemical technology and engineering", 192 "Construction and civil engineering"" Certificate No. 66-04-21/03 (2020).




Work with youth


Member of the branch competition committee of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in the field of "Fire safety" and "Civil safety (Civil protection)" (2018, 2020).

Head of scientific works that won prizes at the I and II stages of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the areas of: "Light Industry", "Construction", "Fire Safety".


Awards, certificates


Awards from the Ministry of Education and Culture as the scientific supervisor of the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the fields of: "Light Industry", "Construction".

Scholar named after G. F. Proskury in the field of technical science (2010).

Scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2012).

III degree diploma from the state enterprise "Ukrpatent" in the All-Ukrainian competition "Invention of the Year 2015".

Second degree diploma for winning the Open Competition for the best patent in the field of civil defense and fire safety (2018).

Certificate from the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for conscientious work, active inventive and scientific activity (2018).

Diploma of the 1st degree of the competition "Young Innovator of Kharkiv Region" in the nomination "Best Innovative Proposal in the Field of Construction and Architecture" from the Kharkiv Regional State Administration of the Department of Science and Education (2020).



International activity


Active member of the "Ukrainian Association of Chemical and Food Engineering CFE-UA" as a structural component of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering EFCE.

Constantly participates in scientific international conferences, in particular:

International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of fire safety, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations". (Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013);

International conference "Polymer materials of low flammability" (Almaty, 2017);

International Scientific Conference on Woods & Fire Safety (Slovakia, 2020).

International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "The process and dynamics of the scientific path" (Athens, Hellenic Republic 2021, 2022;

International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering (Kharkiv, 2022, 2023);

International scientific and practical conference "Problems of Emergency Situations" (Kharkiv, 2021, 2023).





Other activity


Active member of the "Ukrainian Association of Chemical and Food Engineering CFE-UA" as a structural component of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering EFCE.


Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine