Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Sergii Vavreniuk 




Education, scientific degree, academic title


In 2006, he graduated from the Academy of Civil Defense of Ukraine with a specialty in "Fire Safety" and obtained a master's degree in scientific and pedagogical direction.

2016 year. Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, specialty 25.00.02 - "Mechanisms of Public Administration"

2021 year. Doctor of Science in Public Administration, specialty 25.00.02 - "Mechanisms of Public Administration"

2021 year. Professor of the department of fire and technogenic safety of objects and technologies


Educational work


Teaches the discipline - "Fire safety of electrical installations", "General electrical engineering", "Technological safety of objects", "Electrical engineering and safety of electrical installations", "Insurance relations"




Scientific work


He is the author and co-author of more than 150 scientific works.

Scopus ID:

Акаунт Google  Scholar:


Member of the permanently active specialized academic council for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty "Mechanisms of State Administration") Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 320 dated 04/07/2022





  1. Vavreniuk, S. A., Nepomnyashchyy, O. M., Marusheva, O. A., Lahunova, I. A., & Shostak, S. M. (2021). Mechanisms of public administration in post-soviet societies. Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021, 5(S2), 354-365.
  2. Vavreniuk S. The theology of st. Gregory Palamas: innovation or traditions’ continuation//S.Vavreniuk//European Journal of Science end Teology, June 2019, vol. 15, No.3, 31-38. (Індексація статті в 2021 році)
  3. Zhovnirchyk, Y., Prykhodko, I., Romin, A., Bandura, I., Vavreniuk, S. (2023). Public management of SMART specialization of sustainable development of the region in the system of ensuring innovation security. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 385-391.
  4. Vavreniuk, S., Grigorov, A., Tulskii, H., Chyrkina, M., Bondarenko, S. Complex Approach to the Processing of Polymer Waste into Fuel, Lubricant Materials and Construction Materials for the Oil Refining Industry. - Petroleum and Coal., 2023, 65(4), Р. 1016–1022.


Major scientific publications


  2. Vavreniuk S.A. Problems and directions of achieving the quality of education at the stage of reforming higher education in Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Investments: practice and experience: scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2018. - Issue 14. - pp. 79-83.
  3. Vavreniuk S.A. Development of education in Ukraine in the context of risks and challenges / S.A. Vavreniuk// Public administration: coll. of science works K.: Publication of SE "Manufacturing House "Personal", 2018. - Issue 3 (13). - 225 p.
  4. Vavreniuk S.A. Problems of the Bologna process for the higher school system / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Investments: practice and experience: scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2018. - Issue 18. - pp. 59-62.
  5. Vavreniuk S.A. The current state and problems of the two-level structure in the higher education system of Ukraine / S.A. Vavreniuk// Law and state administration: a collection of scientific works. Zaporizhzhia. : Edition of the Classical Private University, 2018. – Issue 3 (2). - 175 p.
  6. Vavreniuk S.A. Problematic issues of training highly qualified personnel of higher education / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Investments: practice and experience: scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2018. - Issue 21. – pp. 85-89.
  7. Vavreniuk S.A. Problems and development of the process of state accreditation of higher education institutions in Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: Coll. Nauk pr. – X: Publishing House of NUZZU, 2018. – Iss. 2 (9). - 526 p. (Series "Public Administration").
  8. Vavreniuk S.A. Prospects for the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the field of higher education / S.A. Vavreniuk// Law and state administration: a collection of scientific papers. Zaporizhzhia. : Edition of the Classical Private University, 2018. – Issue 4. - P. 117-121.
  9. Vavreniuk S.A. The influence of the process of European integration on the training of youth in the higher education system of Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Investments: practice and experience: scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2018. - Issue 24. - pp. 75-79.
  10. Vavreniuk S.A. The mechanism of student mobility as a means of improving the quality of education in Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Public management and administration in Ukraine: a scientific journal, - PU "Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation", 2018. - Iss. 8, pp. 23-27.
  11. Vavreniuk S.A. Monitoring as a means of achieving the quality of higher education in Ukraine / S.A. Vavreniuk// Public administration: coll. of science works K.: Publication of SE "Manufacturing House "Personal", 2019. - Issue 1 (16). - 292 p.
  12. Vavreniuk S.A. Basic models of state management of the higher education system of Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Theory and practice of state administration and local self-government: electronic specialist edition. – No. 1, 2019. –
  13. Vavreniuk S.A. Improvement of the state administration system in the field of higher education / S.A. Vavreniuk// Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: Coll. of science pr. – H. : Publishing House of NUTZU, 2019. – Issue 1 (10). - 397 p. – (Series "Public Administration"). - P. 251-257.
  14. Vavreniuk S.A. The history of higher education reform in Europe / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Investments: practice and experience: a scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2019. - Issue 15. – pp. 80-84.
  15. Vavreniuk S.A. Organizational and legal mechanism of state management of higher education of Ukraine / S.A. Vavreniuk// Investments: practice and experience: scientific and practical journal, State Administration series. - K.: "DKS Center" LLC, 2019. - Issue 17. - pp. 54-58.
  16. Vavreniuk S.A. The effectiveness of the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education. / S.A. Vavreniuk// Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: Coll. of science pr. – H. : Publishing House of NUTZU, 2019. – Issue 2 (11). - 482 p. – (Series "Public Administration"). - P. 273-280.
  17. Vavrenyuk SA Internal risks of the contemporary state of higher education in Ukraine // SA Vavrenyuk // Public management: collection. - No. 5 (15) – September 2018. – Kyiv: SE "Publishing house "Personal", 2018. – 298.
  18. Vavrenyuk SA Improving the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education of Ukraine // SA Vavrenyuk // Public management: collection. – No. 4 (19) – September 2019. – Kyiv: SE “Personal Publishing House”, 2019. – P.34-43.
  19. Vavrenyuk SA Influence of the process of reforming the higher education of Ukraine on the healthy lifestyle of student youth // SA Vavrenyuk // Public management: collection. – No. 5 (20) – December 2019. – Kyiv: SE “Personal Publishing House”, 2019. – P.34-44.
  20. Vavrenyuk SA Features of governmental regulation in the sphere of educational services of Ukraine // SA Vavrenyuk // Public management: collection. – No. 2 (17) – March 2019. – Kyiv: SE “Personal Publishing House”, 2019. – P.25-34.
  21. VavreniukProblems and prospects of development of higher education in Europe// S. Vavreniuk // Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: coll. of science pr. – Kh.: Publishing House of NUTZU, 2020. – Issue 1 (12). - 592 p. – (Series "Public Administration"). - P. 317-325.
  22. Vavreniuk S.A. The economic mechanism of public administration in the system of reform and development of higher education in Ukraine //Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine: coll. of science pr. – Kh.: Publishing House of NUTZU, 2023. – Issue 2 (19). - 542 p. – (Series "Public Administration").
  23. Vavreniuk S.A. The process of adaptation of first-year cadets to the conditions of training in civil defense educational institutions // Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. Dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the institution. - Kh.: NUTZU, 2023. - P.12-18.
  24. Matukhno V.V., Morshch E.V., Kornienko R.V., Vavrenyuk S.A. Reducing the time of non-technical inspection of the territory allegedly contaminated with explosive objects.-Problems of emergency situations. Kharkiv: NUTSZ of Ukraine, 2023. No. 2(38). P. 240-251.
  25. Vavreniuk S.A. A model of the complex mechanism of public management of the reform of higher education in Ukraine // Bulletin of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine (Series: State Management). 2023. Issue 1 (18). P. 105-116.

Textbooks, manuals, monographs


  1. Vavrenyuk S.A., Oliynyk V.V. Man-made safety of objects: methodological instructions for course work for those studying at the second (master's) level in the specialty 261 "Fire safety", in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil safety" (educational and professional programs: "Fire safety", "Fire extinguishing and emergency and rescue works", "Fire safety management") "/ Composers: S. A. Vavreniuk, V.V. Oil varnish. ‒ Kh.: NUTZU, 2023. - 44 p.
  2. Vavrenyuk S.A., Oliynyk V.V. Man-made safety of objects: methodological instructions for the implementation of modular work for those studying at the second (master's) level in the specialty 261 "Fire safety", in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil safety" (educational and professional programs: "Fire safety", "Firefighting and emergency and rescue works", "Fire safety management") "/ Composers: S. A. Vavreniuk, V.V. Oil varnish. ‒ Kh.: NUTZU, 2023. – 21 p.
  3. Methodological instructions for the implementation of coursework in the discipline "Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and productions" for the preparation of higher education applicants under the educational and professional program: "Radiation and chemical protection" of training at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty - 161 "Chemical technologies and engineering" in the field of knowledge 16 "Chemical and bioengineering" / compilers: V.V. Oliynyk, S.A. Vavrenyuk, - Kh.: NUTSZ of Ukraine, 2023. - 42 p.
  4. Safety of potentially dangerous technologies and productions: methodical guidelines for the implementation of modular control workfor training students of higher educationfor the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 16 "Chemical engineering and bioengineering" for the specialty 161 "Chemical technologies and engineering" educational and professional program - radiation and chemical protection / Compiler: V.V. Oil varnish. - Kh.: NUTZU, 2023. - 46 p.
  5. Insurance relations: workshop / Compilers: A.M. Katunin, S.A. Vavrenyuk, O.M. Royanov. - Kh.: NUZZU, 2023. - 87 p.


Research works


  1. Carrying out patent research on means of disposal of ammunition. Report on the GDR. NUTZU. - state registration number 0110u003259. – Kharkiv: 2010. (12..2009-04.2010, K: Vambol S.O., V.V.: Petrenko O.V., In: Vavreniuk S.A.)
  2. Mechanisms of formation of the State youth policy and the system of development of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions of Ukraine with special conditions of study. Report on the GDR. NUTZU. - state registration number 0115U002036. – Kharkiv: 2015. (Recommendations regarding the improvement of the state youth policy and the system of development of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions of Ukraine with special learning conditions, 01.2015-12.2017, K: Dombrovska S.M., VV: Vavrenyuk S.A., V : Rosokhatskyi P.M.)


Participation in the attestation of scientific personnel


  1. The official opponent for the dissertation of Yury Ivanovich Stelmashchuk "Mechanisms of state regulation of the development of the social and humanitarian sphere in Ukraine". The defense took place on June 29, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 64.707.03 of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine at the address: 61024, Kharkiv, st. Lermontivska, 28.
  2. Official opponent of the dissertation of Ivan Yevstakhiovych Rybchych "Mechanisms of state regulation of physical culture and health activities in Ukraine". The defense took place on November 9, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at a meeting of the specialized academic council K.26.142.04 at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management at the address: Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2, room 220.
  3. Official opponent for the dissertation of Vadym Mykolayovych Sysyuk "Participation of public institutions in the formation and implementation of the state policy of physical education in Ukraine." The defense took place on June 6, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at a meeting of the specialized academic council D .26.142.04 at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management at the address: Kyiv, str. Frometivska, 2, room 220.
  4. Official opponent for Oleg Vasylenko's dissertation "Mechanisms of state management of internationalization of higher education in Ukraine". The defense took place on September 10, 2020 at 2 p.m. at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 64.707.03 of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine at the address: 61024, Kharkiv, st. Lermontivska, 28., meeting hall (1st floor).
  5. Official opponent of Andrii Ivanovich Bestyuk's dissertation "Mechanisms of state management of higher military education in Ukraine". The defense took place on September 22, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 64.707.03 of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine at the address: 61024, Kharkiv, st. Lermontivska, 28., meeting hall (1st floor).
  6. Reviewer in the one-time specialized board of the DF 64.707.027. In the specialty "Public management and administration" Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 1446 dated 12.28.2021. Svitlana Oleksiivna Rybkina defended her dissertation
  7. Reviewer in the one-time specialized board of the DF 64.707.034. With the specialty "Public management and administration" approved by Resolution No. 44 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 12, 2022 and based on the decision of the Academic Council of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, protocol No. 5 dated January 26, 2023. Defense of the dissertation work of Viktor Pavlovich Purnak "Public management of educational training of personnel in the field of public order protection" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 281 "Public management and administration"





  1. Vavreniuk S.A., Petrenko O.V. Utility model patent UA73530U Ukraine, IPC B05B 7/30. Device for pneumatic spraying of liquid. - Applicant and patent holder of NUZZU. - No. u 2012 03469; statement 23.03.2012; published 25.12.2012, Bull. No. 18. - K: SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property", 2012. - 2 p.
  2. Vavreniuk S.A., Petrenko O.V. Patent for the invention UA110781С2 Ukraine, IPC F42B 33/04. Device for extracting the detonator from the mine. - Applicant and patent holder of NUZZU. - No. a 2012 08502; published 25.02.2016, Bull. No. 4. - K: SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property", 2016. - 3 p.


Scientific publications with cadets:


  1. Vavrenyuk S.A., Gorban D.G.Study of the peculiarities of the choice of grounding systems in buildings and electrical installations of various purposes / S.A. Vavreniuk, D.G. Gorban// Problems and prospects of providing civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.
  2. Vavreniuk S.A.,David Khan. O.L.Research of methods of control of resistance insulation for the purpose of fire safety / S.A. Vavreniuk, O.L. David-Khan//Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.
  3. Vavreniuk S.A., Tkachenko Y.O.Investigation of the fire hazard of cable products / S.A. Vavreniuk, Ya.O. Tkachenko//Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.
  4. Vavreniuk S.A., Sergienko V.V.Protection of electrical networks from dangerous modes of operation / S.A. Vavreniuk, V.V. Sergiyenko//Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.
  5. Vavreniuk S.A., Tomchyk P.V.Study of the fire hazard of electric lamps / S.A. Vavreniuk, P.V. Tomchik//Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.
  6. Vavreniuk S.A., Matushkin M.S.Study of the fire hazard of lightning / S.A. Vavrenyuk, M.S. Matushkin//Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. 526p. In Ukrainian and English.


Certification training


Diploma of candidate of sciences in public administration with specialty 25.00.02 "Mechanisms of public administration" (DK No. 038635 dated September 29, 2016). Dissertation topic: "Mechanisms of state management of the development of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions of Ukraine."

In 2021, he defended his doctoral dissertation and received a Doctor of Science degree in public administration with a specialty of 25.00.02 "Mechanisms of public administration" (DD No. 012175 dated September 27, 2021). Dissertation topic: "Mechanisms of state management of reforming higher education in Ukraine."





Work with youth


Head of the scientific circle of cadets and students"Investigation of the causes of fires in electrical installations. Fire safety requirements for electric machines and devices".

Management of a cadet, student (year 2023) who won a prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in professionally oriented disciplines: V.V. Sergienko. Development of a structural model for quality assurance of single-phase asynchronous motors at the stage of their manufacture - 1st place, Tkachenko Y.Yu. Structural model of the control system in the manufacture of asynchronous motors - 2nd place.





International activities


Constantly takes part in international scientific and practical conferences.

  1. Vavrenyuk S. A. The essence of state management of higher education of Ukraine in the process of its reforming / S. A. Vavrenyuk // Abstracts of the XII International Scientific Conference. Scientific Journal of Open Diplomacy "Power and Society (History, Theory, Practice)" No. 4 (48) - 2018. - Georgia, 2018. - P. 149-150.
  2. Vavreniuk S.A. Modern aspects of the development of the quality of the education system of Ukraine / S.A. Vavreniuk// II international conference "Innovative technologies in science and education. European experience: materials. - Dnipro-Helsinki, 2018. - P. 44-47.
  3. Vavreniuk S.A. Contemporary aspects of organizational and legal mechanisms of state management of higher education in Ukraine / S.A. Vavrenyuk// Legal aspects of public administration: theory and practice: materials of X science-practice. conf. December 13, 2018, Dnipro / by general editor. L.L. Prokopenko - D.: DRIDU NADU, 2018. - P. 99-101.
  4. Vavreniuk S.A. Modern mechanisms of education management in Europe / S.A. Vavreniuk// Formation of effective mechanisms of state administration and management in the conditions of the modern economy: theory and practice: materials of the VI International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference, November 30, 2018 / edited by V.M. Ogarenko O.V. Pokataeva and others. – Zaporizhzhia: KPU, 2018. – P. 47-49.
  5. Vavreniuk S.A.Strategic directions of reforming the modern higher education system of Ukraine/ S.A. Vavrenyuk// Innovative economic mechanisms for the development of enterprises, regions, countries: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Kyiv, February 15-16, 2019 – Kyiv: Tavri National University named after V.I. Vernadsky, 2019. – P. 39-41.
  6. Vavreniuk S.A. Humanitarian component of professional education of cadets of specialized institutions / S.A. Vavreniuk// Modern problems of legal, economic and social development of the state: theses addendum. international of science - practice conf. (Kharkov, November 30, 2018) / Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv, National University of Internal Affairs matters; Consultant. Mission of the European Union. - Kharkiv, 2018. - 362 p.
  7. Vavreniuk S.A. Approaches and innovative technologies in the educational space / S.A. Vavreniuk// XIV International Conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" (June 4-7, 2018, Bulgaria, Varna): materials in 2 volumes. Volume I. Compilers: Khokhlova T.S., Stupak Yu.O. – Dnipro-Varna, 2018. – 396 p.
  8. Vavreniuk S.A. European trends in the development of postgraduate education / S.A. Vavreniuk// Problems and prospects of providing civil protection: materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists. - Kharkiv: NUTSZU, 2019. - In Ukrainian, Russian, English and Bulgarian. – P. 419-420.
  9. Vavreniuk S.A. Problematic issues of the modular system of training students in the higher education system of Ukraine / S.A. Vavreniuk// X International Conference of Young Scientists "Young Scientists 2019 - from Theory to Practice" (March 7, 2019, Dnipro, Ukraine): Organizers: Khokhlova T.S., Stupak E.O. - Dnipro, 2019. - P. 247-250.
  10. Vavreniuk S.A. Mechanisms of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education reform / S.A. Vavreniuk// State administration in the field of civil protection: science, education, practice: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 17-18, 2019, under the general ed. V.P. Sadkovo. – Kh.: Publishing House of NUTZU, 2019. – P.6-9.
  11. Vavreniuk S.A. Competency approach of evaluating a modern teacher of a higher education institution as one of the ways to improve the quality of higher education / S.A. Vavrenyuk// II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical internet conference: "Innovative technologies for the development of personal and professional competence of teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education", May 23, 2019 -
  12. Vavreniuk S.A. Problematic issues in the training of specialists in the field of higher education / S.A. Vavreniuk// Public management and administration at the current stage of state formation [Electronic edition]: materials of the First All-Ukrainian. science and practice conf. (Kyiv, October 24, 2019) / resp. ed. A. A. Mazaraki. – Kyiv: Kyiv. national trade and economy University, 2019. - P. 162-164.
  13. Vavreniuk S.A. The latest information technologies in the work of libraries of institutions of higher education / S.A. Vavreniuk// III International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European experience: materials. – Dnipro-Amsterdam, 2019. – P. 29-31.
  14. Vavreniuk S.A. Education as one of the main factors of state security / S.A. Vavreniuk// Innovative development and increasing the level of capacity of united territorial communities: scientific-practical materials. conf. for international with participation, Dnipro, October 30 - November 29, 2019 / for general ed. I.A. Chikarenko - Dnipro: DRIDU NADU, 2019. - P. 49-51.
  15. Vavreniuk S.A. Analysis of the practice of interaction between employers and institutions of higher education as a factor in increasing efficiency / S.A. Vavreniuk// State management in the field of civil protection: science, education, practice: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, March 18-19, 2020 / by general ed. V.P. Sadkovo. – Kh.: Publishing House of NUTZU, 2020. – P. 9-12.
  16. Vavreniuk S.A. Problems and prospects of development of higher education in Europe / S.A. Vavreniuk// Formation of effective management mechanisms in the conditions of transformation of socio-economic systems: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, March 12, 2020. - X: KhNUMG Publishing House, 2020. - P. 205-207.
  17. Vavrenyuk, S. Improving the effectiveness of public administration in the development of the system of higher education in Ukraine / S. Vavrenyuk //Authority and Society 2019 : XIII International Scientific Conference Proceeding 2019. - Tbilisi, Publishing House "Technical University", 2019. - R.23–27.
  18. Vavreniuk S.A. Approaches to the quality of providing educational services/S.A. Vavreniuk/ Quality strategy in industry and education: materials of the XVII International Conference. June 5-8, 2023, Varna, Bulgaria. - P. 167-171.
  19. Vavreniuk S.A. Analysis of the sensitivity of explosive substances to mechanical actions / S.A. Vavrenyuk/ Problems of Emergency Situations: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kharkiv: National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 2023. P 20-21.
  20. Vavreniuk S.A. A cluster approach in the system of public management of the reform of higher education of Ukraine // Modern aspects of the modernization of science: state, problems, development trends: materials of the XXXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference / edited by I.V. Zhukova, E.O. Romanenko Aalborg (Denmark): GO "VADND", October 7, 2023. 327 p.
  21. Vavreniuk S.A. Problematic issues of organizational aspects of ensuring the national security of Ukraine // Participation of law enforcement agencies and military formations of the state in ensuring the security of Ukraine: collection of theses of the 8th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (Ukraine, Kharkiv, November 30, 2023), Kh.: NA NSU, 2023 - 136 p.


Sports activity


Coach of the university's national table tennis team






Awards, certificates


 2020 is the year. Awarded a diploma of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine for the best collective monograph "State management of the educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine".

He was repeatedly awarded certificates, diplomas, and commemorative signs of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.



Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine