Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Albert Katunin




Education, scientific degree, academic title


Kharkiv Military University, specialty "Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering", 1997

Candidate of technical sciences with the specialty 20.02.14 "Armament and military equipment", 2004.

Senior researcher in the specialty 20.02.14 "Armament and military equipment", 2010.

Master's degree, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, specialty "Fire Safety", 2020.


Educational work


He teaches the disciplines "Fire safety of productions", "Fire safety of electrical installations", "General electrical engineering", "Electrical engineering and safety of electrical installations" to students with a bachelor's degree.


Scientific work


Scientific Adviser of theResearch Institute " Development of a proposal regarding the possibility of using radiant infrared devices in fire safety systems of facilities" (01.2015 - 12.2018).

Executor Responsible executor of theResearch Institute "Development of proposals for establishing the designated service life of the electrical equipment being designed" (01.2015-12.2020).

Responsible executor of theResearch Institute "Investigation of the features of choosing protection devices in emergency modes of electrical protection for various purposes" (01.2021-12.2026).


Major scientific publications


  1. Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.M. The influence of ventilation on the determination of the class and size of the explosive zone created by the steam-air explosive environment in the room / Problems of fire safety. Issue 47. Kharkiv: Folio, 2020. P. 65-70.
  2. Teslenko, A. Chernukha, O. Bezuglov, O. Bogatov, E. Kunitsa, V. Kalyna, A. Katunin, V. Kobzin, S. Minka. Construction Of An Algorithm For Building Regions Of Questionable Decisions For Devices Containing Gases In A Linear Multidimensional Space Of Hazardous Factors // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774. 2019. 5/10 ( 101 ). P. 42-49
  3. Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.M., Bodryk O.O. Study of the effect of electrical network parameters on the choice of short-circuit protection devices for electrical installations in explosive zones / Problems of fire safety. Issue 46. Kharkiv: Folio, 2019. P. 86-93.
  4. Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.N., Kulakova G.O. Peculiarities of categorization by explosion and fire hazard of gas station tanks of types A and B / Problems of fire safety. Issue 45. Kharkiv: Folio, 2019. P. 79-85.
  5. Oleg Kulakov, Albert Katunin, Yaroslav Kozhushko, Serhii Herasimov, Irina Vasil'eva, Olga Konovalenko. Definition of Accumulated Operation Time Distributions for a Cable Product Insulation Within the Defined Life Cycles / IEEE UKRCON-2019: IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019 / Track 3: Industrial and Power Electronics & Energy Systems. 355-358.
  6. Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.N. Study of methods of calculating lightning protection of objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / Problems of fire safety. Issue 44. Kharkov: Folio, 2018. P. 75-81.
  7. Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.N., Rudakov S.V. Research on lightning protection of vertical tanks for oil and petroleum products / Problems of fire safety. Issue 43. Kharkiv: Folio, 2018. P. 85-90.
  8. Kulakov O.V., Katunyn A.N., Lisin O.S. Peculiarities of the application of the protective angle method in the design of lightning protection of objects / Problems of fire safety. Issue 42. – Kharkiv: Folio, 2017. P. 58-63.
  9. Kirilyuk A.S., Kulakov O.V., Katunin A.N. Justification of the law of distribution of the total production of cable products to prevent ignition sources in them / Problems of fire safety. Issue 41. Kharkov: Folio, 2017. P. 81-86.
  10. KULAKOV Oleg, KUSTOV Maksym, KATUNIN Albert, ROIANOV Oleksii. Investigation of the Impact Properties of the Material of the Isolation on the Parameters of the Loaded Cable Lines // Key Engineering Materials Submitted, 2023. 954, pp 125-133.
  11. Katunin Albert, Kolomiitsev Oleksii, Kulakov Оleg, Heiko Hennadii, Rudakov Ihor. Information technologies for calculating the effect of wire thickness and insulation material on its heating temperature during operation // IEEE 4th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 2023., pp 198-202.
  12. Оleg Kulakov, Maksym Kustov, Serhii Rudakov, Albert Katunin, Evgen Slepuzhnikov/ Investigation of Reliability of Emergency Shutdown of Consumers in Electric Power Systems of Explosive Hazardous Zones. IEEE 3rd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek). 2022, pp. 173–177.
  13. Herasymov S., Katunin A., Kozhushko Y., Oliinik V., Harbuz S., Kulakov O., Roianov O. Analysis of the requirements to the accuracy of diffractively reflecting coatings manufacturing. IEEE UKRCON-2021 Lviv, Ukraine, August 26 - 28. PP. 431-434.
  14. Utility model patent 15844 dated 04/27/2022. The method of degassing of ground tanks for storage of light petroleum products/ Garbuz S.V., Katunin A.M., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M., Oliinyk V.V., Korovnikova N.I., Mykhailiuk O.P. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).
  15. Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M. Improvement of the thermal aging model of insulation of cable products // INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL GRAIL OF SCIENCE. 17 (July, 2022). - P. 181-185.
  16. Utility model patent 152335 dated 11.01.2023. A method of early detection and determination of the direction of fires. Katunin A.M., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Kolomiytsev O.V. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).


Textbooks, manuals, monographs


  1. Small unmanned aircraft systems (mini UVS): monograph / Bashinsky V.G., Bzot V.B., Zhilin E.I., Katunin A.N. Leontiev A.B. - Zaporozhye: ed. JSC "MOTOR SYCH", 2014. - 262 p.
  2. Roianov O.M., Mykhailiuk O.P., Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V. Methodical recommendations for the performance of qualifying work for higher education applicants studying at the first bachelor's level. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv, 2019. – 26 p.
  3. Roianov O.M., Mykhailiuk O.P., Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V. Methodical recommendations for the performance of qualifying work for higher education applicants studying at the first bachelor's level. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv, 2021. –26 p.
  4. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Katunin A.M. Fire safety of production. Course of lectures. Kharkiv, 2023. –227 p.
  5. Oliynyk V.V., Katunin A.M., Roianov O.M. Industrial fire safety: a course of lectures. For students of higher education in specialty 263 "Civil security" under the educational and professional program "Labor protection" of full-time and part-time study. Educational degree "Bachelor". Kharkiv, 2023. ─ 258 p.
  6. Afanasenko K. A., Katunin A. M., Roianov O. M. Audit of fire and technogenic safety: a course of lectures. For students of higher education studying at the first (bachelor's) level in the specialty 261 "Fire safety" (educational and professional program: "Fire and man-made safety audit". /X: NUCP, 2023. ─ 154 p.
  7. Katunin A.M., Vavreniuk S.A., Roianov O.M. Insurance relations: practicum. X: NUCP, 2023. ─ 108 p.


Certification training


He attended advanced training courses at the Faculty of Civil Defense and received and received a certificate from the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine on 12.25.15.



In 2020, he graduated from the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine with a major in "Fire Safety".



Work with youth


Head of the scientific group of students " Research on methods of detecting fires in electrical installations " of the Department of Fire and Man-made Safety of Objects and Technologies.

Curator of the student group at the Faculty of Fire Safety in 2016-2023.

The head of student scientific works that won prizes at the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works.




Awards, certificates


He was repeatedly awarded certificates, diplomas, and commemorative signs of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine and the Kharkiv Air Force University.


International activity


I constantly take part in scientific international conferences, in particular:

V Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES AND METHODS OF THEIR CARRYING OUT: WORLD EXPERIENCE AND DOMESTIC REALITIES February 17th, 2023;

I Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENCE IN MOTION: CLASSIC AND MODERN TOOLS AND METHODS IN SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS June 9th, 2023;


2023 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology October 02-06, 2023;



Protection and safety of vitality of the united state civil system protection in the minds of the threat of man-made accidents at nuclear power plants of Ukraine: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (m. Ivano-Frankivsk, 22 pm 2023)

































































Inventive activity


He is the author and co-author of more than 30 utility model patents, including:

utility model patent No. 120588 "Laser sensor for early detection of fires";
utility model patent No. 78906 "Method of early detection of fires based on the analysis of the intensity of reflected laser radiation";
utility model patent No. 112169 "Method of early detection and determination of the direction of fires";
utility model patent No. 81423 "Device for passive protection of objects against powerful EMI";
utility model patent No. 62842 "Device for adaptive passive protection of objects based on the use of radioisotope composite coating";
utility model patent No. 62824 "Device for absorbing electromagnetic radiation based on the use of a geometrically heterogeneous radioisotope composite coating";
utility model patent No. 49824 "Method of individual protection of samples of armored vehicles from missiles equipped with semi-active laser guidance systems";
utility model patent No. 47052 "Laser vibrometry device with a television receiver".

Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine