Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Yaroslav Kalchenko




Education, scientific degree, academic title


National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, 2015, master's degree in specialty 21.06.02 “Fire safety”.

Doctor of Philosophy for specialty 261 “Fire Safety”, 2020


Educational work


I put in the initial disciplines “Safety of Electrical Installations”, “Fire Safety of Electrical Installations”, “Electrical Engineering and Safety of Electrical Installations”, for students of advanced training at the first (bachelor’s) level of advanced training in lighting stage nya "bachelor".
















Scientific work


ID Scopus: 24176940300

Google Scholar:


Research works

Prominent scientific research and development work “Development of methods for on-site testing of thermal switches with a thermoresistive sensitive element” (01.2016–12.2017, No. 0116U002017).

Producer of the Scientific Research and Development Department “Development of test-injection models for thermal fire alarms” (12.2009–12.2011, No. 0118U001013).




  1. Abramov Yu., Kalchenko Y., Liashevska O. Determination of dynamic characteristics of heat fire detectors // Eureka: Physics and Engineering. №3. URL:
  2. Minska N.Shevchenko R.Servatyuk V., Strelets V., Lukashenko V.Kalchenko Y. (2022). Energy facilities: Management and design and technological innovationsEnergy facilities: Management and design and technological innovations, 135, 1-207, doi: 10.15587/978-617-7319-63-3.


Major scientific publications


  1. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. A. Mathematical models of thermal fire alarms // Problems of fire safety. 2018. Vol. 43. pp. 58-63.
  2. Abramov Yu. A., Kalchenko Ya. Yu. The importance of parameters for the formation of heat flow during object testing of thermal fire switches // Problems of fire safety. 2017. Vol. 41. P. 3-9.
  3. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. A. Testing of thermal fire alarms // Problems of fire safety. 2019. Vol. 45. pp. 60-64.
  4. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. A. Identification of parameters when determining the dynamic characteristics of thermal fire alarms // Problems of fire safety. 2017. Vol. 42. pp. 41-51.
  5. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu.O. Algorithms for monitoring the technical state of sensors in the primary information of the system for weakening the inheritance of over-emergency situations // Problems of over-emergency situations. 2018. №. 27. pp. 39-46.
  6. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. O. Methods for monitoring the technical installation of thermal fire alarms // Problems of fire safety. 2018. №. 44. pp. 44-48.
  7. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. O. Methods for the timing of application of thermal fire alarms // Problems of fire safety. 2019. №. 46. pp. 65-70.
  8. Abramov Yu. A., Kalchenko Ya. Yu. Mathematical support for testing thermal fire detectors // Problems of fire safety. 2015. Issue. 40. P. 5-11.
  9. Abramov Yu. A., Kalchenko Ya. Yu Mathematical support for an autonomous method of object testing of thermal fire detectors // Problems of fire safety. 2015. Issue. 38. P. 3-8.
  10. Kalchenko Y., Abramov Y. A. Models of primary information sensors of emergency effects mitigation systems // Problems of supernatural situations. 2015. №. 22. pp. 65-69.
  11. Abramov Y. A., Kalchenko Y.Y. Mathematical models for object tests of thermal fire detectors // Fire safety problems. 2016. Issue. 39. P. 3-8.
  12. Kalchenko Ya. Yu., Abramov Yu. A. Identification of the dynamic parameter of fire detectors with thermistive sensitive // Problems of fire safety. 2015. Issue. 37. pp. 71-74.
  13. Abramov Yu. A., Kalchenko Ya. Yu. Selection of a method for determining the period of routine maintenance of sensors of systems for mitigating the consequences of emergency situations // Problems of supervising situations. 2015. №. 21. P. 3-6.
  14. Abramov Yu. A., Kalchenko Ya. Yu Selecting the sampling period when determining the dynamic characteristics of thermal fire detectors // Bulletin of the University of Civil Protection of Belarus. 2019. T.3. No. 1. URL:
  15. Abramov Yu.O., Tishchenko E.O., Kalchenko Y.Yu. Timely fire extinguishing with a mobile fire extinguisher // Problems of fire safety. 2020. №. 48. P. 3-8.
  16. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Afanasenko K.A., Lipovy V.O., Pikalov M.V. Values of parameters of electrical conductors during emergency operation mode. Problems of supernatural situations. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2023. No. 37.



















Textbooks, manuals, monographs


  1. Thermal fire alarms and their testing / Yu.O. Abramov, Ya.Yu. Kalchenko. Kharkiv, 2016. 120 p.
  2. Theoretical basis for testing thermal fire sensing agents / Yu.O. Abramov, Ya.Yu. Kalchenko. Kharkiv, 2020. 198 p.
  3. Pozhezhna safety of technological processes: navch. pos_b. / editors: V. V. Oliynik, V. O. Lipovy, K. A. Afanasenko, Y. Yu. Kalchenko. ─ X: NUTSZU, 2023. ─ 177 p.


International activity


       I regularly take part in scientific international conferences, here:

  1. Kalchenko Y. Yu., Abramov Yu. O. The importance of the dynamic characteristics of thermal fire alarms in the frequency region // Abstracts of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Production Committee “Fire Safety: Problems and Prospects”. Kharkiv, 2018. pp. 210-211.
  2. Kalchenko Y. Yu., Abramov Yu. O. Dynamic destruction during molded test-injection for a thermal fire agent // Abstracts of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Production Committee “Fire Safety: Problems and Prospects”. Kharkiv, 2018. pp. 219-220.
  3. Kalchenko Y. Yu., Abramov Yu. O., Select the discreteness interval with the determined dynamic characteristics of thermal fire sensors // Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Production Complex “Theory and practice of fire extinguishing and liquidation of fire extinguishers” their situation." Cherkasy, 2019. pp. 5-7.
  4. Abramov Yu.O., Kalchenko Y.Yu., Analysis of testing of thermal fire alarms // Proceedings of the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Current problems of fire safety and avoidance of extreme situations in the minds of today.” Lviv, 2020. P.119-123.
  5. Alfiorov S.G., Kalchenko Ya.Yu., Kulesh D.P. Analysis of the technical characteristics and functional features of old cars. Materials of the round table. - Kharkiv: National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, June 28, 2022. - 77-79 p.
  6. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Prognimak D.V. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fire Safety Issues 2022” (“Fire Safety Issues 2022”) – Kh.: NCZ of Ukraine, 2022. – 272-273 p.
  7. Kalchenko Yaroslav, Istratova Diana. Analysis of thermal fire detectors system operation // The 12th International scientific and practical conference “International scientific innovations in human life” (June 8-10, 2022) Cognum Publishing House, Manchester, United Kingdom. 2022. 214 p.
  8. Kalchenko Ya.Yu., Istratova D.V. Analysis of fire at energy complex facilities // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Problems and prospects for ensuring civil protection”. Kharkiv: NUСPU, 2022. p. 36.
  9. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Moiseenko D.V. Reducing the electrical insulation safety of transformer windings // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Problems and prospects for ensuring civil protection”. Kharkiv: NUCPU, 2022. 69 p.
  10. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Babich S.O.. Unsafe fire of generators of gas stoves and potbelly stoves. Materials of the international research and development team of young scientists of NUCPU. Kharkiv: NUTSZU, 10 p.
  11. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Zaretsky V.S. Analysis of fire failure of electrical transport equipment. Materials of the international research and development team of young scientists of NUTSU. Kharkiv: NUCPU, 49 p.
  12. Kalchenko Y.Yu., Pastukhova A.O., Prognimak D.V. Analysis of fires at energy facilities in Ukraine. Materials of the international research and development team of young scientists of NUCPU. Kharkiv: NUCPU, 84 p.
  13. Kalchenko Y., Pikalov M. Determination of the electrical conductors parameters in the emergency mode of operation. «3rd Fire Engineering & Disaster Management Pre-recorded International Scientific Conference». Budapest, Hungary: University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement Institute of Disaster Management, 2023. – 116-120 p.
  14. Кalchenko Y., Pikalov M. Estimation of emergency situations consequences on the oil refining facilities. «5th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection». Budapest, Hungary: Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, 2023.







  1. Method for testing thermal fire alarms: Patent 125948 Ukraine. No. u 201800548; appl. 01/19/2018; publ. 05/25/2018, Bulletin. No. 10. 4 p.
  2. Method for measuring the dynamic characteristics of thermal fire alarms: Pat. No. 111447 Ukraine. No. u 201604945; appl. 05/04/2016; publ. 11/10/2016, Bulletin. No. 21. 4 p.
  3. Method for measuring the dynamic characteristics of thermal fire alarms: Pat. No. 118847 Ukraine. No. u 201702866; appl. 03/27/2017; publ. 08/28/2017, Bulletin. No. 16. 6 p.
  4. Method for determining the steady hour of thermal fire alarms: Pat. No. 110086 Ukraine. No. a 201413822; appl. 12/23/2014; publ. 11/10/2017, Bulletin. No. 21. 3 p.
  5. Method for determining the steady hour of thermal fire alarms: Pat. No. 116932 Ukraine. No. a 201607780; appl. 07/14/2016; publ. 05/25/2018, Bulletin. No. 10. 3 p.
  6. Method for determining the steady hour of a thermal fire alarm with a thermoresistive sensitive element: Pat. No. 126609 Ukraine. No. u 201801076; appl. 02/05/2018; publ. 06/25/2018, Bulletin. No. 12. 2 p.
  7. Method for testing thermal fire sensing devices: Pat. 114947 Ukraine. No. u 201610468; appl. 10/17/2016; publ. 03/27/2017, Bulletin. No. 16. 2 p.
  8. Method for testing thermal fire alarms: Pat. 109863 Ukraine. No. u 201602817; appl. 03/21/2016; publ. 09/12/2016, Bulletin. No. 17. 3 p.
  9. Method for controlling the technical state of thermal fire alarms: Pat. 126312 Ukraine. No. u 201801080; appl. 02/05/2018 ; publ. 06/11/2018, Bulletin. No. 11.
  10. Method for controlling thermal fire alarms: Pat. 128949 Ukraine. No. u 2018 05107; appl. 05/08/2018; publ. 10.10.2018, Bulletin. No. 19.
  11. Method for testing thermal fire alarms using a thermoresistive sensitive element: Pat. 113824 Ukraine. No. u 201609584; appl. 09/16/2016; publ. 02/10/2017, Bulletin. No. 3.
  12. Method for controlling the technical state of thermal fire alarms. 114979 Ukraine. No. u 201610794; appl. 10/27/2016; publ. 03/27/2017, Bulletin. No. 6.
  13. Method for determining the time of application of thermal fire alarms with a thermoresistive sensitive element: Pat. 110590 Ukraine. No. a 2015 01322; appl. 07/10/2015; publ. 01/12/2016, Bulletin. No. 1.
  14. Method for determining the time of application of thermal fire alarms with a thermoresistive sensitive element: Pat. 115933 Ukraine. No. a 201604947; appl. 12/26/2016; publ. 01/10/2018, Bulletin. No. 1.
  15. Thermal fire detector: Pat. 111924 Ukraine. No. u201505720; appl. 06/10/2015; publ. 06/24/2016, Bulletin. No. 12.
  16. Device for registering fires: Pat. 109671 Ukraine.No. u201603129; appl. 03/28/2016; publ. 08/25/2016, Bulletin. No. 16. 5 p.
  17. Device for fire detection: Pat. 119158 Ukraine.No. u201703726; appl. 04/18/2017; publ. 09/11/2017, Bulletin. No. 17.
  18. Device for fire detection: Pat. 114948 Ukraine. – No. u201610470; appl. 10/17/2016; publ. 03/27/2017, Bulletin. No. 6.
  19. Device for fire detection: Pat. 120533 Ukraine. No. u201704007; appl. 04/24/2017; publ. 11/10/2017, Bulletin. No. 21.
  20. Thermal fire suppressor: Pat. 110189 Ukraine. No. u201503033; appl. 04/01/2015; publ. 11/25/2015, Bulletin. No. 22.

Scientific circle

Head of the scientific group "Study of the fire hazard of cable products"

















Guidance for applicants on writing student research papers


  1. Management of a cadet who won a prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in professionally oriented disciplines: Electrical engineering and safety of electrical installations - Korol O.V., 3rd year - 3rd place, 2020.
  2. Management of the cadet who won the first prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in professionally oriented disciplines: Electrical engineering and safety of electrical installations - V.S. Zaretskyi. 2nd year - 1st place, 2023.
  3. Management of a cadet who won a prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in professionally oriented disciplines: Electrical engineering and safety of electrical installations - M.O. Pavlenko. 2nd year - 3rd place, 2023.
  4. Management of 3rd-year cadet Yu.V. Bondarenko, who took 2nd place in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the specialty "Electric machines and devices" in 2021.
  5. Management of 3rd-year cadets D.V. Istratov, A.I. Matsakova, who took 3rd place in the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the specialty "Electric machines and devices" in 2022.
  6. Management of 2nd-year cadets A.S. Slyusar, A.Yu. Demenska, who took 3rd place in the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Electrical engineering and electromechanics" in 2023.
  7. Management of 2nd-year cadets M.V. Pikalov, D.O. Pisklova, who took 3rd place in the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Electrical engineering and electromechanics" in 2023.


Curatorial work

Curator of the educational group PBk-20-442






























Awards, certificates








Organizational activities

    Member of the Council of Young Scientists of NUCРU.

    The person responsible for the organization of official training in training group No. 8.




Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine