Department of Fire and technological safety of facilities and technologies

Oleksiy Royanov




Education, scientific degree, academic title


Zhytomyr Higher School of Radio Electronics of Air Defense Forces, 1991, specialty "Radio Equipment".

Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.12.17 "Radio engineering and television systems", 2008

Master's degree, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, specialty "Fire Safety", 2020.

Associate Professor of the Department of Fire and Technogenic Safety of Objects and Technologies, 2022.


Educational work


I teach the disciplines "Fire safety of technological processes", "Fire safety of objects of increased danger", "Fire safety of productions", "Introduction to the profession" to students with a bachelor's degree.

"Technogenic safety of objects", "Industrial safety of modern production technologies" for those who have obtained the master's level of education.

Guarantor of the OPP "Fire and man-made safety audit" in specialty 261 "Fire safety".


Scientific work


Head of the National Research Institute "Investigation of the dependence of the intensity of evaporation of flammable and combustible liquids on ventilation parameters in order to select its modes to prevent the occurrence of dangerous concentrations in technological equipment during its removal for routine and repair work" (01.2015 - 12.2018).

Акаунт Google Scholar:



Major scientific publications


  1. Pumpkin S.V. Assessment of the impact of technical parameters of storage tanks for light petroleum products on the time of forced ventilation to ensure their fire and explosion safety before repair work/ O.M. Royanov, S.V. Pumpkin // Problems of fire safety. – 2018. – Issue 44. – P. 112-118
  1. Utility Model Patent No. 119077System of forced ventilation of technological equipment from vapors of flammable and combustible liquids/ Oliynyk V.V., Roianov O.M., Korovnikova N.I // 2017, Application number u201702900.
  2. Roianov O.M. The method of estimating residues of light petroleum products during forced ventilation of tanks/ O.M.Royanov,V.Oiler //Problems of fire safety. – 2018. – Issue 43, P.129-135.
  3. Roianov O.M. The assessment of the scales and the risk of the appearance technogenous situations during the process of degassing the storage tanks of light petroleum products/ S.V. Garbuz, O.M. Roianov // Journal of modern information systems. Kharkiv - 2018. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 119-124.
  4. Oliinyk V.V., Roianov O.M., A method of estimating residues of light petroleum products during forced ventilation of tanks. V.V. Oliynyk, O.M. Roianov // Problems of fire safety. -Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2018. - Issue 43. – P.129-135.
  5. Utility Model Patent No. 127634 dated August 10, 2018 "System of forced ventilation of technological equipment from vapors of flammable and combustible liquids" /Roianov O.M.Oliynyk V.V.,Korovnikova N.I.,Mykhailiuk O.P.
  6. Roianov O.M. Ways to improve the assessment of light oil product residues during forced ventilation of tanks / O.M. Roianov // – Cherkasy, May 18-19, 2018. - Cherkasy, 2018. - P. 200-201.
  7. Roianov O.M., Garbuz S.V., Bogatov O.I. A method of assessing and controlling the fire and explosion hazard of the process of forced ventilation of storage tanks for light petroleum products // Problems of fire safety. – 2019. – Issue 46. ​​- pp. 155-161.
  8. Utility model patent No. 136700 dated August 27, 2019 "Method of early detection and determination of the direction of fires" / Katunin A.M., Kulakov O.V.,Roianov O.M.Teslenko O.O., Verbytskyi M.S., Kozhushko Y.V., Sadovy K.V.
  9. Exhibition scientific exhibit "Investigation of the process of forced degassing of storage tanks for light petroleum products" - 6.7 (NUCSU, May, 2019).
  10. Study of the possibility of using binders based on epoxidized dynaphthols in fiberglass plastics of low flammability / K.A. Afanasenko, A.P. Mikhailyuk, A.N. Royanov // Problems of fire safety: Sat. scientific tr. Vol. 41. 2017. 214 p. ─ pp. 13 - 17.
  11. Issledovanie mozvestivanie prjemenenia svyazuyuschih na osnove epoksidirovannyh dinaphthols v glasplastikah drezhnennyh horyuchesti / K.A. Afanasenko, A.P. Mykhailiuk, A.N. Roianov // Problems of fire safety: Sat. science tr. issue 41 2017. 214 c. ─ P. 13 - 17.
  12. Utility model patent No. 126763 "System of forced ventilation of technological equipment from vapors of flammable and combustible liquids" dated 10.12.2020. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Korovnikova N.I., Mykhailiuk O.P. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).
  13. Utility model patent No. 147046 dated 04/07/2021 "System of forced ventilation of technological equipment from vapors of flammable and combustible liquids" / Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Korovnikova N.I., Mykhailiuk O.P. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).
  14. Utility model patent 15844 dated 04/27/2022. The method of degassing of ground tanks for storage of light petroleum products/ Garbuz S.V., Katunin A.M., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M., Oliinyk V.V., Korovnikova N.I., Mykhailiuk O.P. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).
  15. Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M. Improvement of the thermal aging model of insulation of cable products // INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL GRAIL OF SCIENCE. No. 17 (July, 2022). - P. 181-185.
  16. Utility model patent 152335 dated 11.01.2023. A method of early detection and determination of the direction of fires. Katunin A.M., Kulakov O.V., Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Kolomiytsev O.V. SE "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property" (Ukrpatent).
  17. KULAKOV Oleg, KUSTOV Maksym, KATUNIN Albert, ROIANOV Oleksii. Investigation of the Impact Properties of the Material of the Isolation on the Parameters of the Loaded Cable Lines // Key Engineering Materials Submitted, 2023. Vol. 954, pp. 125-133


Textbooks, manuals, monographs

  1. Roianov O.M. Fire safety of production. Course of lectures. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2016. – 420 p.
  2. Roianov O.M. Mykhailiuk O. P. Fire safety of technological processes. Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2017. –29 p.
  3. Roianov O.M., Teslenko O.O. Industrial fire safety: Methodological instructions for the implementation of calculation tasks for the training of specialists of the educational and qualification level "bachelor" in the field of knowledge "Civil safety" in the field of training "Occupational safety". X: NUCP, 2014. – 66 p.
  4. Roianov O.M., Teslenko O.O. Industrial safety. Course of lectures. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2017. – 146 p.
  5. Roianov O.M., Korovnikova N.I., Grigorenko O.M. Industrial safety of modern production technologies. Course of lectures. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2018. – 232 p.
  6. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk O.L., Derevyanko O.A. Introduction to the profession. Course of lectures. Kharkiv: NUTSZ of Ukraine, 2018. – 200 p.
  7. Roianov O.M., Mykhailiuk O.P., Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V. Methodical recommendations for the performance of qualifying work for higher education applicants studying at the first bachelor's level. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2019. – 26 p.
  8. Roianov O.M. Fire safety of production. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2020. –60 p.
  9. Roianov O.M., Mykhailiuk O.P., Katunin A.M., Oliynyk V.V. Methodical recommendations for the performance of qualifying work for higher education applicants studying at the first bachelor's level. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2021. –26 p.
  10. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V., Katunin A.M. Fire safety of production. Course of lectures. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2023. –227 p.
  11. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V. Program of educational practice (internship) of higher education applicants of the 1st year. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2022. –18 p.
  12. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V. Program of educational practice (internship) of students of higher education of the 2nd year. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2022. –18 p.
  13. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V. Program of educational practice (internship) of higher education students of the 3rd year. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUCP of Ukraine, 2022. –18 p.
  14. Roianov O.M., Oliynyk V.V. Program of educational practice (internship) of students of higher education of the 4th year. Methodical instructions. Kharkiv: NUTSZ of Ukraine, 2022. –18 p.
  15. Oliynyk V.V., Katunin A.M., Roianov O.M. Industrial fire safety: a course of lectures. For students of higher education in specialty 263 "Civil security" under the educational and professional program "Labor protection" of full-time and part-time study. Educational degree "Bachelor". Kharkiv: NUZZU, 2023. ─ 258 p.
  16. Afanasenko K. A., Katunin A. M., Roianov O. M. Audit of fire and technogenic safety: a course of lectures. For students of higher education studying at the first (bachelor's) level in the specialty 261 "Fire safety" (educational and professional program: "Fire and man-made safety audit". /X: NUTZU, 2023. ─ 154 p.
  17. Katunin A.M., Vavreniuk S.A., Roianov O.M. Insurance relations: practicum. X: NUTZU, 2023. ─ 108 p.
  18. Oliynyk V.V., Roianov O.M. Fire safety of objects of increased danger: a course of lectures. For students of higher education in the specialty 261 "Fire Safety" under the educational and professional programs "Fire Safety" and "Fire Safety Audit" full-time and part-time. Bachelor's degree. Kh.: NUTZU, 2024. ‒ 162 p.


Advanced training

He attended advanced training courses at the Faculty of Civil Defense and received and received a certificate from the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine on 12.25.15.

Completed training and received a certificate from the distance course "Computer systems and network in the learning process", which was held at the ISMA Higher School of Management of Information Systems, Riga, Latvia from August 3 to September 25, 2020.




Work with youth


Head of the scientific group of cadets "The influence of environmental humidity on the fire and explosion hazard of technological processes" of the Department of Fire and Man-made Safety of Objects and Technologies for 2023-2024, order of the National Center for the Study of the Environment of Ukraine 09/29/2023 No. 215

Management of a student who won a prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Fire Safety": Dmytro MYRONENKO, a higher education graduate, took 3rd place in 2022.

Supervision of the work of student student Mykola Glazunov, who received the Diploma "For Devotion to the Profession" in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Professional Education", which was held at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy in Kharkiv in 2018.

"Problems and prospects of ensuring civil protection": Materials of the international NPC of young scientists of NUZZU. – Kharkiv: 2017. Roianov O.M., Malozhon Yu.V. "Investigation of the dependence of the evaporation intensity of LZR and GR on the ventilation parameters before it is removed for regular and repair work."



Awards, certificates

He was repeatedly awarded diplomas of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.




International activity


I constantly take part in scientific international conferences, in particular:

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Protection and safety of vital activities of units of the unified state system of civil protection under the threat of man-made accidents at nuclear power plants of Ukraine." September 22, 2023 "Peculiarities of the application of differential absorption and scattering lidars for the detection of hazardous substances to ensure man-made safety of energy facilities."

III CISP Conference "Science of post-industrial society: globalization and transformation processes". Roianov O.M. Katunin A. M., Oliynyk V. V., Kulakov O. V.

International scientific and practical conference "Problems of civil protection: management, prevention, emergency rescue and special works", "Ways of increasing the safety of oil refineries as potentially dangerous objects".

IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Fire Extinguishing and Liquidation of Emergency Situations". 2018.

XVI International Exhibition Forum "Protection Technologies/PozhTech2017. Materials of the 19th All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. "Current state of civil defense of Ukraine and prospects for development". 2017

III international scientific conference "Interdisciplinary disputes: dynamics and development of modern scientific research.27.01.2023

III CISP Conference "Science of post-industrial society: globalization and transformation processes". 07/03/2022

IV International Scientific Conference "Traditional and Innovative Approaches to Scientific Research". 10.02.2023

International scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Problems and prospects of providing civil protection". 2022

Innovative approaches to solving scientific problems. Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. 16-19.05.2023

International scientific and practical conference "Fire Safety Issues 2022" ("Fire Safety Issues 2022"). 2022


Other activity


Head of the department for career guidance work

Our contacts

tel/fax - 057-704-14-39

Head of Department (093) 3123755
Deputy Head of the Faculty (066) 7154946
Full time education (budget) (093) 2925049
Full time training (contract) (066) 2891537
Distance Learning Form (050) 9795611

94 Chernyshevska street, Kharkiv, 61023 Ukraine